The Health Innovator’s Toolkit: Using a human-centered design approach to innovate healthcare research and delivery
Updated: 04/22/24
Rationale: Human-centered design is a powerful approach for navigating the complex challenges of healthcare by prioritizing the needs, experiences, and perspectives of all stakeholders such as patients, providers, caregivers, and administrators. This approach offers a flexible and creative process that enables participants to deeply understand and empathize with stakeholders, generate innovative ideas, and implement effective solutions. Through this workshop, participants will develop skills to become innovators in their field and create positive change in the healthcare systems around them. By learning to identify and address the most pressing needs and pain points of stakeholders, participants will be able to design healthcare solutions that are more effective, efficient, and beneficial for all involved.
Audience Participation: This interactive workshop will include a didactic portion with examples to ground participants in introductory design theory and human-centered design methods and their application to healthcare. Participants will then complete a series of design activities on a healthcare challenge of their choosing, or one can be assigned. These activities will include worksheets, group discussion, Q&A with workshop presenters, and printable tools to bring back to your practice or organization.
Content to be Presented: The workshop will include 1) an overview of the human-centered design approach, 2) examples of successful implementation of human-centered design in healthcare and state and national population health quality improvement initiatives, including examples from the Michigan Collaborative for Type 2 Diabetes (MCT2D) and Healthy Behavior Optimization for Michigan (HBOM), and 3) a sharable toolkit of design methods and how to apply them. Participants will leave with a better understanding of how to incorporate design methods and tools into their research and innovation work.
Method of Evaluation: Participants will be asked to complete a paper or digital evaluation at the end of the workshop.
Prerequisite Knowledge Needed: We welcome all participants with an interest in creating improvements in healthcare. The diversity of the group is a strength of the workshop format.
Young Larrea, Chang Tammy, Oshman Lauren, Kim Noa. The Health Innovator’s Toolkit: Using a human-centered design approach to innovate healthcare research and delivery. Workshop. North American Primary Care Research Group (NACPRG) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 11/3/23.
Tags: Research, Created By MCT2D