Low Carb JUMPSTART - A Lower Carb Lifestyle Website for Patients


Updated: 01/27/25

Introducing JUMPSTART, a one-stop interactive learning portal for patients who are low carb curious or who are seeking a starting point for diabetes-friendly nutritional information. This site was designed by MCT2D clinicians, content experts, designers, and vetted by our Patient Advisory Board as a way to connect the role that food plays in one's health and wellbeing and to set individuals on a healthy path. We recommend sharing with all of your patients who might benefit.
JUMPSTART has plain-language, interactive tools to help your patients understand how nutrients and diet impact their diabetes health, as well as how to get started with a lower carb lifestyle with goal settingtracking, and meal building. The site includes downloadable grocery lists and recipesThis video will walk you through the main features of the site. Visit jumpstart.mct2d.org. Features of the Jumpstart website:

Tags: For Patients, Web Tool, Created By MCT2D

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