This external event is hosted by the Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists' (ADCES) danatech Diabetes Device Training program and is sponsored by Dexcom. The Dexcom G7 system has now received FDA clearance for people with all types of diabetes ages two years and older, including pregnant women, giving more people than ever access to a powerfully simple diabetes management solution. Join us in this danatech device training to discover how Dexcom G7 is made for more!
Gain experience with the Dexcom G7 system including the new customizable features, all-in-one wearable, and completely redesigned app. Incorporate the Identify, Configure, Collaborate (ICC) Framework to implement and optimize technology-enabled services as we review how to identify candidates for real-time CGM (RT-CGM), configure settings to individualize care, and collaborate regarding diabetes management decisions using Dexcom Clarity.
Emily Newbold, PhD, RD, CDCES
Medical Science Liaison, Clinical Education
Emily Newbold is a Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist. She earned her doctorate degree in Medical Nutrition Sciences with an emphasis in prediabetes identification and management from the University of Kansas Medical Center. Emily served as CDCES and Diabetes Program Director at the University of Kansas Health System’s adult endocrinology clinic. There her passion grew for increasing prediabetes and diabetes awareness while empowering those living with diabetes with the technology to live their best lives. Emily’s work at Dexcom began in 2021 as a Clinical Account Manager and joined the Clinical Education team in early 2023.
Jami Klein RN, BSN, CDCES
Medical Science Liaison, Clinical Education
Jami Klein is a Registered Nurse and Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist who started her career educating people with diabetes at Cleveland Clinic in Pediatric Endocrinology. Her passion for advances in diabetes management, especially technology, led to various industry roles at Novo Nordisk, Tandem Diabetes Care and she joined the Clinical Education team at Dexcom in 2021.
Jami has been living well with Type 1 diabetes since 1988 and enjoys empowering others to take control of diabetes.
This event is FREE for ADCES members and non-members.